Molly the Cat

March 29th, 2002 at 7:28 pm ]

I can say one thing about Molly with absolute surety. She does not enjoy the spicy foods. Just now I came home with Pad Thai (vegetarian, with tofu). To justify doubling the price at dinner, of course I was given some little noodle snacks and a cup of soup. The crunchy noodles are difficult to become excited about. However, the cup of soup was remarkably tasty. It was the standard Thai soup fare but with some cilantro and hot peppers thrown in to give it that proverbial kick. And the kick — now that, I can get excited about, so I slurped it up. Molly appeared to find the soup enticing as well. I believe I mentioned her begging ways, so that was not surprising.

Unfortunately Molly herself did get a surprise when I let her lick the soup bowl. She sniffed it in anticipation and I could tell that she was unsure about its palatability when directly presented with the soup. Still, Molly will not turn down food. Not ever, to date. Well, she was definitely nervous but became brave enough to taste a smidgen of the Thai soup. It upset her greatly. She yelped a little kitty yelp and bounded off the couch. Offended, she sat underneath the chair for over 20 minutes licking and licking and licking.

I think perhaps Molly learned a lesson at dinnertime today. Meanwhile, Twinkie just sits on a plastic bag that is wet with rainwater. (Perplexing.)

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